$295 AUD

The session will begin with a casting of the runes, a cut of the cards and reading of the energy dynamics and cosmic currents affecting you in the here and now.

For unique perception and cognisance, Vicki uses the oracle she created Deck of RA: Perspective and Illumination from the Lore of Sekhmet and cast handcut crystals imprinted with Runes of RA.

 As the session progresses and insights unfold, she will give you a direct experience of your Essence, (you, your consciousness all the way back to Source, all your gifts, talents, and knowings) reconnecting you with your own intuition for clarity, purpose and authenticity.

As it presents, Vicki will also remove any blocks, patterns or bad juju in the way of the positive outcomes that appear as potentials in the reading coming to fruition; and bring forward whatever gifts and talents you have access to from Essence that are available to claim, embody and radiate.

Within an hour of completion you will receive a link to download the video and audio recording of the session; within the week following your session, Vicki will reconnect with you, check in, clarify or answer any subsequent questions that have arisen as you integrate the experience.

In her exclusive offering for Void, Vicki will bring you insight and clarity as well as facilitating an experience in consciousness that will connect you with your intuition, desires and authenticity.

  • 1 on 1 session
  • Live sessions
  • Low confidence
  • Self-betrayal
  • Stuckness
  • Dysmorphia
  • Lostness
  • Creative block
  • Discipline
  • Empowerment
  • Alignment
  • Confidence
  • Creativity
  • Intuition
  • Magnetism
  • Action
  • Clarity
  • Integrity
  • Self-worth

what people are saying

Vicki teaches and presents through her own personal experience of reality. She teaches you ‘how to drive the vehicle’ which is you, in the journey through space and time, her students are led to their own truths about themselves. If you are someone who wishes to be in the world not of it, to live free of the rules and roles of the Matrix mindset then the consciousness warrior training is for you Vicki takes you through the step by step process of expanding your understanding of reality and the role you have to play.
John Anthony - Sydney
Putting experience into words is Vicki's super power. She really understands the deep resonance of the aligned words, and the power that brings for each individual. Weaving and connecting the energetic and interdimensional experiences with the logic of the mind. There is such a powerful, and anchoring experience with Essence thanks to this super power. If you want to tune in more deeply to, and live aligned with your awareness, and self, Vicki is the one to work with.
Cat - Sydney
The most valuable thing I learnt from Vicki’s training, is that it is all about going within and harnessing my own power, rather than looking around for someone else to help heal me. I had the tools all along and though Vicki’s experientials and teaching of psychic warfare, I am now able to rock this shit. It’s not for the faint hearted, requires boldness and a true commitment to self. Once you commence this training, your life will never be the same again and you trust me you won’t look back. By far, the best thing I have ever experienced.
Loren - Melbourne
You can feel self-imposed limitations and wounds peeling away as you learn to fully love yourself, step in to your full sovereignty and be proud of your strength. There is no way I can recommend this work more highly.
Jill - New York
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learn more

Rachael White

Journey with Holistic Sex Coach & Tao Tantric Arts Facilitator Rachael White to deepen your relationship to pleasure.

Jaime-lee Willoughby

Jaime-lee’s (they/them) work within the somatic field assists people in feeling safe enough to come home to the innate magic that exists within their body.

Bela Crowder

Bela Crowder, VOID’s resident astrologer and founder of the Embodied Heart, leads you on a journey of integrity with Natal Chart Readings.

Annalise Maddrell

A Human Design Reading with Annalise Madrell offers an insight into the truth of who you are.

Cara | Psychotherapist

Embark on a journey of balance and recovery with integrative Psychotherapist Cara in a tele-health space.

Nahal Azadi | The Medicine Breath

Progress your breathwork mastery with this 3-part digital breathwork release of anger, fear and grief with practitioners Nahal Azadi and Lisa Graham.

Alchemist Jones

Zara Lawson

Psychic guide and energy expert Zara Lawson works with the unseen to free you from invisible blocks keeping you stuck.

Hot Mess On Screen

Sophie May and Gabrielle Miller bring inspiration and play to the masses with the digital version of their irl creative feast, Hot Mess On Screen.

Kate Tomas

One of the world’s most sought after spiritual guides, intuitives and psychics, Dr Kate Tomas works to return you to your highest sense of self and power.

Alina Rose

Hypnotherapist, transformational facilitator and life coach Alina Rose specialises in healthy relationship dynamics.

Sara Elise

Sara provides you with your own blueprint for understanding your innate gifts and timings, to take control of your life.

Vicki will bring you insight and clarity as well as facilitating experiences in consciousness that will connect you with your intuition, desires and authenticity.

The session will begin with a casting of the runes, a cut of the cards and reading of the energy dynamics and cosmic currents affecting you in the here and now.

For unique perception and cognizance, Vicki uses the oracle she created Deck of RA: Perspective and Illumination from the Lore of Sekhmet and cast handcut crystals imprinted with Runes of RA.

 As the session progresses and insights unfold, Vicki will give you a direct experience of your Essence, (you, your consciousness all the way back to Source, all your gifts, talents, and knowings) reconnecting you with your own intuition for clarity, purpose and authenticity.

As it presents, she will also remove any blocks, patterns or bad juju in the way of the positive outcomes that appear as potentials in the reading coming to fruition; and bring forward whatever gifts and talents you have access to from Essence that are available to claim, embody and radiate.

Within an hour of completion you will receive a link to download the video and audio recording of the session; within the week following your session, Vicki will reconnect with you, check in, clarify or answer any subsequent questions that have arisen as you integrate the experience.

  • Discipline
  • Empowerment
  • Alignment
  • Confidence
  • Creativity
  • Intuition
  • Magnetism
  • Action
  • Clarity
  • Integrity
  • Self-worth
  • Low confidence
  • Self-betrayal
  • Stuckness
  • Dysmorphia
  • Lostness
  • Creative block
  • 1 on 1 session
  • Live sessions

what people are saying

Vicki teaches and presents through her own personal experience of reality. She teaches you ‘how to drive the vehicle’ which is you, in the journey through space and time, her students are led to their own truths about themselves. If you are someone who wishes to be in the world not of it, to live free of the rules and roles of the Matrix mindset then the consciousness warrior training is for you Vicki takes you through the step by step process of expanding your understanding of reality and the role you have to play.
John Anthony - Sydney — Anonymous
Putting experience into words is Vicki's super power. She really understands the deep resonance of the aligned words, and the power that brings for each individual. Weaving and connecting the energetic and interdimensional experiences with the logic of the mind. There is such a powerful, and anchoring experience with Essence thanks to this super power. If you want to tune in more deeply to, and live aligned with your awareness, and self, Vicki is the one to work with.
Cat - Sydney
The most valuable thing I learnt from Vicki’s training, is that it is all about going within and harnessing my own power, rather than looking around for someone else to help heal me. I had the tools all along and though Vicki’s experientials and teaching of psychic warfare, I am now able to rock this shit. It’s not for the faint hearted, requires boldness and a true commitment to self. Once you commence this training, your life will never be the same again and you trust me you won’t look back. By far, the best thing I have ever experienced.
Loren - Melbourne
You can feel self-imposed limitations and wounds peeling away as you learn to fully love yourself, step in to your full sovereignty and be proud of your strength. There is no way I can recommend this work more highly.
Jill - New York

now playing

learn more

Rachael White

Journey with Holistic Sex Coach & Tao Tantric Arts Facilitator Rachael White to deepen your relationship to pleasure.

Jaime-lee Willoughby

Jaime-lee’s (they/them) work within the somatic field assists people in feeling safe enough to come home to the innate magic that exists within their body.

Bela Crowder

Bela Crowder, VOID’s resident astrologer and founder of the Embodied Heart, leads you on a journey of integrity with Natal Chart Readings.

Annalise Maddrell

A Human Design Reading with Annalise Madrell offers an insight into the truth of who you are.

Cara | Psychotherapist

Embark on a journey of balance and recovery with integrative Psychotherapist Cara in a tele-health space.

Nahal Azadi | The Medicine Breath

Progress your breathwork mastery with this 3-part digital breathwork release of anger, fear and grief with practitioners Nahal Azadi and Lisa Graham.

Alchemist Jones

Zara Lawson

Psychic guide and energy expert Zara Lawson works with the unseen to free you from invisible blocks keeping you stuck.

Hot Mess On Screen

Sophie May and Gabrielle Miller bring inspiration and play to the masses with the digital version of their irl creative feast, Hot Mess On Screen.

Kate Tomas

One of the world’s most sought after spiritual guides, intuitives and psychics, Dr Kate Tomas works to return you to your highest sense of self and power.

Alina Rose

Hypnotherapist, transformational facilitator and life coach Alina Rose specialises in healthy relationship dynamics.

Sara Elise

Sara provides you with your own blueprint for understanding your innate gifts and timings, to take control of your life.


Connect with your personalised VOID, supporting your human experience from Earth to sky.

by signing up you acknowledge you are over 16.*

Connect with your personalised VOID, supporting your human experience from Earth to sky.

by signing up you acknowledge you are over 16.*

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